Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The chapter Nestor takes the framework that Joyce has set up and delves into Stephen Dedalus’s character. At the opening Stephen is questing his class on Pyhrrus, which echoes the last word of the Telemachus section : Usurper, since Pyrrhus was another hero who suffered from usurpation. (Blamires, 10) This section is told from his perspective, in first person, and provides the reader clues to his character and showcases his wit and compassion. He is not only kind to the boy Cyril Sargent, but also shows a great level of tolerance when Mr. Deasy speaks of the Jews:

“-A merchant, Stephen said, is one who buys cheap and sells dear, jew or gentile, is he not?” (34)

To which Mr. Deasy replies:

“-They sinned against the light, Mr. Deasy said gravely. And you can see the darkness in their eyes. And that is why they are wanderers on the earth to this day.” (34)

Here, Gifford explains, Deasy is referencing the jews as the ‘Wanderers of the earth’ this is based on a Christine legend that a jew who reject s Christ at the time of the crucifixion is condemned to wander the earth until last judgment, or until the last of is race dies. (Gifford, 38) Comparing this reference to Stephen’s treatment of his mother makes this even more complicated. If we forget for a moment that Stephen in not Jewish, and proceed to compare him to the jew, it becomes clear that he has committed a sin, for not praying at his mother’s deathbed when it was her last request. Now he is doomed to wander until judgment. Perhaps this is a stretch.

Mr. Deasy’s lines introduce a truly traditional and classical theme: Sight; vision, seeing, foresight, and even prophecy. The whole novel is (I assume from what I have heard) based on perspective; who is telling the story and how their own personal beliefs, motives, and heritage (be it Irish or other) influence their perception of the story and ultimately the main characters. Stephen says: “history is to blame:” (30) which appears to be foreshadowing of what is to come, because the whole story is based on a history that is based on the Greek oral tradition of history- The Bard. There is a great emphasis on vision in every capacity; Stephen’s eyes are described as having “seacold eyes” (30) and there are numerous references to sight. Stephen has a vision of his mother (ala Hamlet) in Telemachus (p10). In Nestor this issue evolves into the perception of light, as Mr. Deasy points out “they sinned against the LIGHT…DARKNESS in their EYES.” (p10) all very telling clues, also interesting in light of the fact that Leopold Bloom is Jewish, it will be interesting to see the further connections and how sight and vision function in relation to him in the following chapters.
There are many references to bards throughout the first two sections. This seems to be in the vernacular, and at the close of Nestor Stephen thinks that “Mulligan will [him] a new name: the bullockfriending bard.” (36)

1 comment:

louis M. Eisner said...

I think the sygnificance of the 'wanders on the earth' is more in refrence to Leopold bloom, being that he personafies Odysseus. Bloom is a jew and thus he is a wander, meaning he hasn't come home. Like Odysseus who wanders the sea in search of Ithica and his beloved Penelope.